pysui.sui.sui_pgql package


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients module

Sui GraphQL clients.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.PGQL_QueryNode

Bases: ABC

Base query class.

property schema_constraint: str | None

Retreive schema constraint

abstract as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], PGQL_Type | Any] | None

Return the serialization function in derived class or None.


A function taking a dictionary as input and returning a PGQL_Type or Any, or None

Return type:

Union[Callable[[dict], Union[pgql_type.PGQL_Type, Any]], None]

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.PGQL_NoOp

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Noop query class.

as_document_node() DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.PGQL_Fragment

Bases: ABC

Base Fragment class.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.BaseSuiGQLClient(*, sui_config: SuiConfig, gql_client: Client, version: str, schema: DSLSchema, rpc_config: SuiConfigGQL, write_schema: bool | None = False)

Bases: object

Base GraphQL client.

__init__(*, sui_config: SuiConfig, gql_client: Client, version: str, schema: DSLSchema, rpc_config: SuiConfigGQL, write_schema: bool | None = False)


property config: SuiConfig

Fetch the graphql client.

property current_gas_price: int

Fetch the current epoch gas price.

property rpc_config: SuiConfigGQL

Fetch the graphql configuration.

property protocol: TransactionConstraints

Fetch the protocol constraint block.

property url: str

Fetch the active GraphQL URL.

property client: Client

Fetch the graphql client.

property chain_id: str

Fetch the chain identifier.

property chain_environment: str

Fetch which environment (testnet, devenet) operating with.

property schema_version: str

Return Sui GraphQL schema version.

property base_schema_version: str

Returns the header version (schema version without patch)

property schema: DSLSchema

schema Return the DSLSchema for configuration


DSLSchema for Sui Schema version associated with connection.

Return type:


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.SuiGQLClient(*, config: SuiConfig, schema_version: str | None = None, write_schema: bool | None = False)

Bases: BaseSuiGQLClient

Synchronous pysui GraphQL client.

__init__(*, config: SuiConfig, schema_version: str | None = None, write_schema: bool | None = False)

Sui GraphQL Client initializer.

execute_query_string(*, string: str, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for string processing

execute_document_node(*, with_node: DocumentNode, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for DocumentNode processing

execute_query_node(*, with_node: PGQL_QueryNode, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for PGQL_QueryNode processing

execute_query(*, with_string: str | None = None, with_document_node: DocumentNode | None = None, with_query_node: PGQL_QueryNode | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult

Executes a GraphQL query and returns raw result.

with_string and with_document_node and with_query_node are mutually exclusive. with_string takes precedence, then with_document_node then with_query_node. If none is specific an error is returned.

  • with_string (Optional[str], optional) – A python string query, defaults to None

  • with_document_node (Optional[DocumentNode], optional) – A gql DocumentNode query, defaults to None

  • with_query_node (Optional[PGQL_QueryNode], optional) – A pysui GraphQL QueryNode, defaults to None

  • encode_fn (Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]], optional) – Encoding function taking dict as arg and returning Any, defaults to None This can be used on any ‘with_’ option. If used in addition to with_query_node it will override the builder property of same name if defined


SuiRpcResult cointaining status and raw result (dict) or that defined by serialization function

Return type:


Deprecated since version 0.56.0: Use explicit execute for type (str,DocumentNode,PGQL_QueryNode. This will be deleted in version 0.60.0)

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients.AsyncSuiGQLClient(*, schema_version: str | None = None, write_schema: bool | None = False, config: SuiConfig)

Bases: BaseSuiGQLClient

Asynchronous pysui GraphQL client.

__init__(*, schema_version: str | None = None, write_schema: bool | None = False, config: SuiConfig)

Async Sui GraphQL Client initializer.

async execute_query_string(*, string: str, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for string processing

async execute_document_node(*, with_node: DocumentNode, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for DocumentNode processing

async execute_query_node(*, with_node: PGQL_QueryNode, schema_constraint: str | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult


Added in version 0.56.0: Unique function for PGQL_QueryNode processing

async execute_query(*, with_string: str | None = None, with_document_node: DocumentNode | None = None, with_query_node: PGQL_QueryNode | None = None, encode_fn: Callable[[dict], Any] | None = None) SuiRpcResult

Executes a GraphQL query and returns raw result.

with_string and with_document_node and with_query_node are mutually exclusive. with_string takes precedence, then with_document_node then with_query_node. If none is specific an error is returned.

  • with_string (Optional[str], optional) – A python string query, defaults to None

  • with_document_node (Optional[DocumentNode], optional) – A gql DocumentNode query, defaults to None

  • with_query_node (Optional[PGQL_QueryNode], optional) – A pysui GraphQL QueryNode, defaults to None

  • encode_fn (Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]], optional) – Encode function taking dict as arg and returning Any, defaults to None This can be used on any ‘with_’ option. If used in addition to with_query_node it will override the builder property of same name if defined


Raw result (dict) or type returned defined by serialization function

Return type:


Deprecated since version 0.56.0: Use explicit execute for type (str,DocumentNode,PGQL_QueryNode. This will be deleted in version 0.60.0)

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs module

Sui GraphQL configuration and constraings.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.ServiceConfigGQL(enabledFeatures: list[str], maxQueryDepth: int, maxQueryNodes: int, maxOutputNodes: int, defaultPageSize: int, maxDbQueryCost: int, maxPageSize: int, requestTimeoutMs: int, maxQueryPayloadSize: int)

Bases: object

Sui GraphQL service controls.

enabledFeatures: list[str]
maxQueryDepth: int
maxQueryNodes: int
maxOutputNodes: int
defaultPageSize: int
maxDbQueryCost: int
maxPageSize: int
requestTimeoutMs: int
maxQueryPayloadSize: int
__init__(enabledFeatures: list[str], maxQueryDepth: int, maxQueryNodes: int, maxOutputNodes: int, defaultPageSize: int, maxDbQueryCost: int, maxPageSize: int, requestTimeoutMs: int, maxQueryPayloadSize: int) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.CheckpointNodeGQL(sequenceNumber: int, timestamp: str, epoch: Any, reference_gas_price: str | None = None)

Bases: object

sequenceNumber: int
timestamp: str
epoch: Any
reference_gas_price: str | None = None
__init__(sequenceNumber: int, timestamp: str, epoch: Any, reference_gas_price: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.CheckpointConnectionGQL(nodes: list[pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.CheckpointNodeGQL])

Bases: object

nodes: list[CheckpointNodeGQL]
__init__(nodes: list[CheckpointNodeGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.SuiConfigGQL(chainIdentifier: str, serviceConfig: pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.ServiceConfigGQL, protocolConfig: pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ProtocolConfigGQL, checkpoints: pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.CheckpointConnectionGQL, gqlEnvironment: str | None = None)

Bases: object

chainIdentifier: str
serviceConfig: ServiceConfigGQL
protocolConfig: ProtocolConfigGQL
checkpoints: CheckpointConnectionGQL
gqlEnvironment: str | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiConfigGQL


__init__(chainIdentifier: str, serviceConfig: ServiceConfigGQL, protocolConfig: ProtocolConfigGQL, checkpoints: CheckpointConnectionGQL, gqlEnvironment: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_configs.pgql_config() tuple[str, Callable]


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments module

QueryNode generators.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.GasCost

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

GasCost reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.PageCursor

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

PageCursor reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardCoin

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardCoin reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.BaseObject

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

BaseObject reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardObject

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardObject reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardEvent

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardEvent reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardTxEffects

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardTxEffects reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardTransaction

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardTransaction reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardCheckpoint

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardChecpoint reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.StandardProtocolConfig

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

StandardChecpoint reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.MoveStructure

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

MoveStructure reusable fragment

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.MoveFunction

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

MoveFunction reusable fragment

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.MoveModule

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

MoveModule reusable fragment.

Contains structs and functions

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.Validator

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

Validator reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_fragments.ValidatorSet

Bases: PGQL_Fragment

ValidatorSet reusable fragment.

fragment(schema: DSLSchema) DSLFragment


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query module

QueryNode generators.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCoinMetaData(*, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI')

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetCoinMetaData returns meta data for a specific coin_type.

__init__(*, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI') None

QueryNode initializer.


coin_type (str, optional) – The specific coin type string, defaults to “0x2::sui::SUI”

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build the DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], SuiCoinMetadataGQL]

Return the serialization to SuiCoinMetadataGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetAllCoinBalances(*, owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetAllCoins Returns the total coin balances, for all coin types, for owner.

This is different from legacy Builder as only a list of coin type summaries are returned. You take the coin_type from any list member and call…

__init__(*, owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

  • owner (str) – the owner’s Sui address

  • next_page (pgql_type.PagingCursor) – pgql_type.PagingCursor to advance query, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], BalancesGQL]

Return the serializer to BalancesGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCoins(*, owner: str, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI', next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetCoins Returns all Coin objects of a specific type for owner.

__init__(*, owner: str, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI', next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

  • owner (str) – Owner’s Sui address

  • coin_type (str, optional) – The coin type to use in filtering, defaults to “0x2::sui::SUI”

  • next_page (pgql_type.PagingCursor) – pgql_type.PagingCursor to advance query, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], SuiCoinObjectsGQL]

Return the serializer to SuiCoinObjectsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetLatestSuiSystemState

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetLatestSuiSystemState return the latest known SUI system state.

__init__() None

QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], SystemStateSummaryGQL]

Return the serializer to SystemStateSummaryGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetObject(*, object_id: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Returns a specific object’s data.

__init__(*, object_id: str)

QueryNode initializer.


object_id (str) – The object id hex string with 0x prefix

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ObjectReadGQL]

Return the serializer to ObjectReadGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetObjectsOwnedByAddress(*, owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Returns data for all objects by owner.

__init__(*, owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

  • owner (str) – Owner’s Sui address

  • next_page (pgql_type.PagingCursor) – pgql_type.PagingCursor to advance query, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ObjectReadsGQL]

Return the serializer to ObjectReadsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetMultipleGasObjects(*, coin_object_ids: list[str])

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return basic Sui gas represnetation for each coin_id string.

__init__(*, coin_object_ids: list[str])


as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], SuiCoinFromObjectsGQL]

Return the serializer to SuiCoinFromObjectsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetMultipleObjects(*, object_ids: list[str], next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Returns object data for list of object ids.

__init__(*, object_ids: list[str], next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

  • object_ids (list[str]) – List of Sui object_ids hex string prefixed with 0x

  • next_page (pgql_type.PagingCursor) – pgql_type.PagingCursor to advance query, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ObjectReadsGQL]

Return the serializer to ObjectReadsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetPastObject(*, object_id: str, version: int)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Returns a specific objects version data.

__init__(*, object_id: str, version: int)

QueryNode initializer

  • object_id (str) – The Sui object_id hex string with 0x prefix

  • version (int) – The version of the object to fetch.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ObjectReadGQL]

Return the serializer to ObjectReadGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetMultiplePastObjects(*, for_versions: list[dict])

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetMultiplePastObjects When executed, return the object information for a specified version.

Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past versions can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and version exists/existed. The result may vary across nodes depending on their pruning policies.

__init__(*, for_versions: list[dict])

__init__ Initialize QueryNode to fetch object information give a list of object keys.

Where each dict (key) is of construct: {

objectId:str, version:int



history (list[dict]) – The list of ObjectKsy dictionaries

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ObjectReadsGQL]

Return the serializer to ObjectReadsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetDynamicFields(*, object_id: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetDynamicFields when executed, returns the list of dynamic field objects owned by an object.

__init__(*, object_id: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • object_id (str) – The object id that holds dynamic fields

  • next_page (Optional[pgql_type.PagingCursor], optional) – A paging directive, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Return a query for dynamic fields.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], DynamicFieldsGQL]

Return the serializer to DynamicFieldsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetEvents(*, event_filter: dict, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetEvents When executed, return list of events for a specified transaction block.

__init__(*, event_filter: dict, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None) None

QueryNode initializer

  • event_filter (str) – Filter key/values aligned to Sui GraphQL schema’s EventFilter

  • next_page (pgql_type.PagingCursor) – pgql_type.PagingCursor to advance query, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Build DocumentNode.

static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], EventsGQL]

Return the serializer to EventsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetTx(*, digest: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetTx When executed, return the transaction response object.

__init__(*, digest: str) None

Initialize QueryNode.


digest (str) – The transaction digest to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Builds the GQL DocumentNode


The transaction query DocumentNode for specific digest

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], TransactionResultGQL] | None

Return the serializer to TransactionResultGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetMultipleTx(*, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None, **qfilter)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetTxs returns multiple transaction summaries and is controlled by filters and paging.

__init__(*, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None, **qfilter) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • next_page (Optional[pgql_type.PagingCursor], optional) – _description_, defaults to None

  • qfilter – 0 or more TransactionBlockFilter key/value to apply to criteria

Rtype qfilter:


as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Builds the GQL DocumentNode


The transactions query DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], TransactionSummariesGQL] | None

Return the serializer to TransactionSummariesGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetDelegatedStakes(owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetDelegatedStakes return all [StakedSui] coins for owner.

__init__(owner: str, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

  • owner (str) – Owner’s Sui address

  • next_page (Optional[pgql_type.PagingCursor], optional) – _description_, defaults to None

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], SuiStakedCoinsGQL] | None

Return the serializer to SuiStakedCoinsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetLatestCheckpointSequence

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetLatestCheckpointSequence return the sequence number of the latest checkpoint that has been executed.


__init__ QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], CheckpointGQL] | None

Return the serializer to CheckpointGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCheckpointByDigest(*, digest: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetCheckpointByDigest return a checkpoint for cp_id.

__init__(*, digest: str)

__init__ QueryNode initializer.


digest (str) – Checkpoint digest id

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], CheckpointGQL] | None

Return the serializer to CheckpointGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCheckpointBySequence(*, sequence_number: int)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetCheckpoint return a checkpoint for cp_id.

__init__(*, sequence_number: int)

__init__ QueryNode initializer.


sequence_number – Checkpoint sequence number

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], CheckpointGQL] | None

Return the serializer to CheckpointGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCheckpoints(*, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetCheckpoints return paginated list of checkpoints.

__init__(*, next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], CheckpointsGQL] | None

Return the serializer to CheckpointsGQL function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetProtocolConfig(*, version: int)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return the protocol config table for the given version number.

__init__(*, version: int)

QueryNode initializer


version (int) – The protocol version to retreive

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ProtocolConfigGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ProtocolConfig.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetReferenceGasPrice

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetReferenceGasPrice return the reference gas price for the network.


QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ReferenceGasPriceGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ReferenceGasPrice.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetNameServiceAddress(*, name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return the resolved name service address for name.

__init__(*, name: str)

__init__ QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode

Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

This must be implemented in subclasses.


schema (DSLSchema) – The current Sui GraphQL schema


A query processed into a gql DocumentNode

Return type:


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetNameServiceNames(*, owner: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return the resolved names given address, if multiple names are resolved, the first one is the primary name.

__init__(*, owner: str)

QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetValidatorsApy(next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return the validator APY.

__init__(next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ValidatorApysGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ValidatorSetGQL.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCurrentValidators(next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

Return the set of validators from the current Epoch.

__init__(next_page: PagingCursor | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ValidatorSetsGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ValidatorSetsGQL.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetStructure(*, package: str, module_name: str, structure_name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetStructure When executed, returns a module’s structure representation.

__init__(*, package: str, module_name: str, structure_name: str) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • package (str) – object_id of package to query

  • module_name (str) – Name of module from package containing the structure_name to fetch

  • structure_name (str) – Name of structure to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MoveStructureGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ReferenceGasPrice.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetStructures(*, package: str, module_name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetStructures When executed, returns all of a module’s structures.

__init__(*, package: str, module_name: str) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • package (str) – object_id of package to query

  • module_name (str) – Name of module from package containing structures to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MoveStructuresGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ReferenceGasPrice.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetFunction(*, package: str, module_name: str, function_name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetFunction When executed, returns a module’s function information.

__init__(*, package: str, module_name: str, function_name: str) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • package (str) – object_id of package to query

  • module_name (str) – Name of module from package containing the function to fetch

  • function_name – Name of function in the module to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MoveFunctionGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ReferenceGasPrice.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetFunctions(*, package: str, module_name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetFunctions When executed, returns all module’s functions information.

__init__(*, package: str, module_name: str) None

QueryNode initializer.

  • package (str) – object_id of package to query

  • module_name (str) – Name of module from package containing the function to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MoveFunctionsGQL] | None

Return the serialization function for ReferenceGasPrice.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetModule(*, package: str, module_name: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetModule When executed, returns the structural representation of a module.

Includes general Module informationn as well as structure and function definitions.

__init__(*, package: str, module_name: str) None

__init__ Initialize GetModule object.

  • package (ObjectID) – ObjectID of package to query

  • module_name (SuiString) – Name of module from package to fetch

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MoveModuleGQL] | None

Return the serialization MoveModule.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetPackage(*, package: str)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode

GetPackage When executed, return structured representations of the package.

__init__(*, package: str) None

__init__ Initialize GetPackage object.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], MovePackageGQL] | None

Return the serialization MovePackage.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.DryRunTransactionKind(*, tx_bytestr: str, tx_meta: dict | None = None, skip_checks: bool | None = True)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode


__init__(*, tx_bytestr: str, tx_meta: dict | None = None, skip_checks: bool | None = True) None

__init__ Initialize DryRunTransactionKind object.

for the tx_meta argument, it expects a dictionary with one or more keys set. {

sender: The Sui address string for the sender (defaults to 0x0), gasPrice: The gas price integer (defaults to reference gas price) gasObjects: list[dict] A list of gas object references, defaults to mock Coin object. Reference dict:


address: The object id string of the gas object version: The version integer of the gas object digest: The digest of the gas object


gasBudget: The budget to use. Defaults to max gas budget gasSponsor: The Sui address string of the sponsor, defaults to the sender


as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], DryRunResultGQL] | None

Return the serialization MovePackage.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.DryRunTransaction(*, tx_bytestr)

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode


__init__(*, tx_bytestr) None

__init__ Initialize DryRunTransaction object.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], DryRunResultGQL] | None

Return the serialization MovePackage.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.ExecuteTransaction(*, tx_bytestr: str, sig_array: list[str])

Bases: PGQL_QueryNode


__init__(*, tx_bytestr: str, sig_array: list[str]) None

__init__ Initialize ExecuteTransaction object.

as_document_node(schema: DSLSchema) DocumentNode


static encode_fn() Callable[[dict], ExecutionResultGQL] | None

Return the serialization Execution result function.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetAllCoins(*, owner: Any, cursor: Any | None = None, limit: Any | None = None)

Bases: object

GetAllCoins Returns all Coin objects owned by an address.

__init__(*, owner: Any, cursor: Any | None = None, limit: Any | None = None)

QueryNode initializer.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCoinTypeBalance(*, owner: Any, coin_type: Any | None = None)

Bases: object

GetCoinTypeBalance Return the total coin balance for a coin type.

__init__(*, owner: Any, coin_type: Any | None = None)


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetTotalSupply(*, coin_type: Any | None = None)

Bases: object

Return the total supply for a given coin type (eg. 0x2::sui::SUI).

__init__(*, coin_type: Any | None = None)


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetFunctionArgs(*, package: str, module: str, function: str)

Bases: object

GetFunction When executed, returns the argument types of a Move function.

__init__(*, package: str, module: str, function: str) None

__init__ Initialize GetModule object.

  • package (ObjectID) – ObjectID of package to query

  • module (SuiString) – Name of module from package containing function_name to fetch

  • function (SuiString) – Name of module’s function to fetch arguments for

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetTotalTxCount

Bases: object

GetTotalTxCount When executed, return the total number of transactions known to the server.

__init__() None

Initialize builder.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.QueryEvents

Bases: object

QueryEvents returns a list of events for a specified query criteria.

__init__() None

Initialize builder.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.QueryTransactions

Bases: object

QueryTransactions returns a list of transactions for a specified query criteria..

__init__() None

Initialize builder.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetChainID

Bases: object

Return the chain’s identifier.

__init__() None

QueryNode initializer..

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetStakesByIds

Bases: object

GetStakesById return all [DelegatedStake] coins identified. If a Stake was withdrawn its status will be Unstaked.

__init__() None

QueryNode initializer..

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetRpcAPI

Bases: object

GetRpcAPI When executed, returns full list of SUI node RPC API supported.

__init__() None

Initialize builder.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetLoadedChildObjects(*, digest: str)

Bases: object

Returns the child object versions loaded by the object runtime particularly dynamic fields.

__init__(*, digest: str)

QueryNode initializer.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query.GetCommittee(*, digest: str)

Bases: object

GetCommittee When executed, returns information on committee (collection of nodes).

__init__(*, digest: str)

QueryNode initializer.

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_sync_txn module

Pysui Transaction builder that leverages Sui GraphQL.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_sync_txn.SuiTransaction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: _SuiTransactionBase


__init__(**kwargs) None

__init__ Initialize the synchronous SuiTransaction.

  • client (SuiGQLClient) – The synchronous SuiGQLClient

  • initial_sender (Union[str, SigningMultiSig], optional) – The address of the sender of the transaction, defaults to None

  • compress_inputs (bool,optional) – Reuse identical inputs, defaults to False

  • merge_gas_budget (bool, optional) – If True will take available gas not in use for paying for transaction, defaults to False

  • deserialize_from (Union[str, bytes], optional) – Will rehydrate SuiTransaction state from serialized base64 str or bytes, defaults to None

transaction_data(*, gas_budget: str | None = None, use_gas_objects: list[str | SuiCoinObjectGQL] | None = None) TransactionData

transaction_data Construct a BCS TransactionData object.

If gas_budget not provided, pysui will call DryRunTransactionBlock to calculate.

If use_gas_objects not used, pysui will determine which gas objects to use to pay for the transaction.

  • gas_budget (Optional[str], optional) – Specify the amount of gas for the transaction budget, defaults to None

  • use_gas_objects (Optional[list[Union[str, pgql_type.SuiCoinObjectGQL]]], optional) – Specify gas object(s) (by ID or SuiCoinObjectGQL), defaults to None


The TransactionData BCS structure

Return type:


build(*, gas_budget: str | None = None, use_gas_objects: list[str | SuiCoinObjectGQL] | None = None) str

build After creating the BCS TransactionKind, serialize to base64 string and return.

  • gas_budget (Optional[str], optional) – Specify the amount of gas for the transaction budget, defaults to None

  • use_gas_objects (Optional[list[Union[str, pgql_type.SuiCoinObjectGQL]]], optional) – Specify gas object(s) (by ID or SuiCoinObjectGQL), defaults to None


Base64 encoded transaction bytes

Return type:


build_and_sign(*, gas_budget: str | None = None, use_gas_objects: list[str | SuiCoinObjectGQL] | None = None) tuple[str, list[str]]

build After creating the BCS TransactionKind, serialize to base64 string, create signatures and return.

  • gas_budget (Optional[str], optional) – Specify the amount of gas for the transaction budget, defaults to None

  • use_gas_objects (Optional[list[Union[str, pgql_type.SuiCoinObjectGQL]]], optional) – Specify gas object(s) (by ID or SuiCoinObjectGQL), defaults to None


Tuple of tx_bytes (base64) and list of signatures

Return type:

tuple[str, list[str]]

split_coin(*, coin: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, amounts: list[int | Argument]) Argument | list[Argument]

split_coin Creates a new coin(s) with the defined amount(s), split from the provided coin.

Note: Returns the result that it can be used in subsequent commands. If only one amount is provided, a standard Result can be used as a singular argument to another command. But if more than 1 amount. For example you can index to get a singular value or use the whole list.

# Transfer all coins to one recipient
txer = SuiTransaction(client)
scres = txer.split_coin(coin=primary_coin, amounts=[1000000000, 1000000000])
txer.transfer_objects(transfers=scres, recipient=client.config.active_address)

# OR only transfer less than all
  • coin (Union[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL, bcs.Argument]) – The coin address (object id) to split from.

  • amounts (list[Union[int, bcs.Argument]]) – The amount or list of amounts to split the coin out to


A result or list of results types to use in subsequent commands

Return type:


merge_coins(*, merge_to: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, merge_from: list[str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument]) Argument

merge_coins Merges one or more coins to a primary coin.

  • merge_to (Union[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL, bcs.Argument]) – The coin to merge other coins to

  • merge_from (list[Union[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL, bcs.Argument]]) – One or more coins to merge to primary ‘merge_to’ coin


The command result. Can not be used as input in subsequent commands.

Return type:


split_coin_equal(*, coin: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, split_count: int, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI') Argument

split_coin_equal Splits a Sui coin into equal parts and transfers to transaction signer.

  • coin (Union[str, bcs.Argument]) – The coin to split

  • split_count (int) – The number of parts to split coin into

  • coin_type (Optional[str], optional) – The coin type, defaults to a Sui coin type


The command result. Because all splits are automagically transferred to signer, the result is not usable as input to subseqent commands.

Return type:


split_coin_and_return(*, coin: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, split_count: int, coin_type: str | None = '0x2::sui::SUI') Argument

split_coin_and_return Splits a Sui coin into equal parts and returns array of split_count-1 for user to transfer.


The command result which is a vector of coins split out and may be used in subsequent commands.

Return type:


transfer_objects(*, transfers: list[str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument], recipient: str) Argument

transfer_objects Transfers one or more objects to a recipient.

  • transfers (list[Union[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL, bcs.Argument]]) – A list or SuiArray of objects to transfer

  • recipient (str) – The recipient address that will receive the objects being transfered


The command result. Can NOT be used as input in subsequent commands.

Return type:


transfer_sui(*, recipient: str, from_coin: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, amount: int | None = None) Argument

transfer_sui Transfers a Sui coin object to a recipient.

  • recipient (str) – The recipient address that will receive the Sui coin being transfered

  • from_coin (Union[str, bcs.Argument]) – The Sui coin to transfer

  • amount (Optional[int], optional) – Optional amount to transfer. Entire coin if not specified, defaults to None

  • ValueError – If unable to fetch the from_coin

  • ValueError – If from_coin is invalid


The command result. Can NOT be used as input in subsequent commands.

Return type:


public_transfer_object(*, object_to_send: str | ObjectReadGQL | Argument, recipient: str, object_type: str) Argument

public_transfer_object Public transfer of any object with KEY and STORE Attributes.

  • object_to_send (Union[str, bcs.Argument]) – Object being transferred

  • recipient (str) – Address for recipient of object_to_send

  • object_type (str) – Type arguments


Result of command which is non-reusable

Return type:


make_move_vector(*, items: list[str, ObjectReadGQL, ObjectArg], item_type: str | None = None) Argument

Create a call to convert a list of objects to a Sui ‘vector’ of item_type.

move_call(*, target: str, arguments: list[Any], type_arguments: list | None = None) Argument | list[Argument]

move_call Creates a command to invoke a move contract call. May or may not return results.

  • target (str) – String triple in form “package_object_id::module_name::function_name”

  • arguments (list[Any]) – Arguments that are passed to the move function

  • type_arguments (Optional[list], optional) – Optional list of type arguments for move function generics, defaults to None


The result which may or may not be used in subequent commands depending on the move method being called.

Return type:

Union[bcs.Argument, list[bcs.Argument]]

stake_coin(*, coins: list[str | ObjectReadGQL], validator_address: str, amount: int | None = None) Argument

stake_coin Stakes one or more coins to a specific validator.

  • coins (list[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL]) – One or more coins to stake.

  • validator_address (str) – The validator to stake coins to

  • amount (Optional[int], optional) – Amount from coins to stake. If not stated, all coin will be staked, defaults to None


The command result.

Return type:


unstake_coin(*, staked_coin: str | SuiStakedCoinGQL) Argument

unstake_coin Unstakes a Staked Sui Coin.


staked_coin (Union[str, pgql_type.SuiStakedCoinGQL]) – The coin being unstaked


The Result argument

Return type:


publish(*, project_path: str, args_list: list[str] | None = None) Argument

publish Creates a publish command.

  • project_path (str) – path to project folder

  • args_list (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Additional sui move build arguments, defaults to None


A command result (UpgradeCap) that should used in a subsequent transfer commands

Return type:


publish_upgrade(*, project_path: str, upgrade_cap: str | ObjectReadGQL, args_list: list[str] | None = None) Argument

publish_upgrade Authorize, publish and commit upgrade of package.

  • project_path (str) – Path to move project

  • upgrade_cap (Union[str, pgql_type.ObjectReadGQL]) – Id or ObjectRead of UpgradeCap

  • args_list (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Arguments for compilation of project, defaults to None

  • ValueError – If fetching UpgradeCap has error

  • ValueError – If can’t verify UpgradeCap


Non reusable result

Return type:


custom_upgrade(*, project_path: str, package_id: str, upgrade_cap: str, authorize_upgrade_fn: Callable[[SuiTransaction, Any, Digest], Argument], commit_upgrade_fn: Callable[[SuiTransaction, Any, Argument], Argument], args_list: list[str] | None = None) Argument

custom_upgrade Support for custom authorization and commitments.

  • project_path (str) – path to project folder

  • package_id (str) – The current package id that is being upgraded

  • upgrade_cap (str) – The upgrade capability object

  • authorize_upgrade_fn (Callable[[&quot;SuiTransaction&quot;, Any, bcs.Digest], bcs.Argument]) – Function to be called that generates custom authorization ‘move_call’

  • commit_upgrade_fn (Callable[[&quot;SuiTransaction&quot;, Any, bcs.Argument], bcs.Argument]) – Function to be called that generates custom commitment ‘move_call’

  • args_list (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Additional sui move build arguments, defaults to None


The result argument

Return type:


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txb_gas module

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txb_gas.get_gas_data(*, signing: SignerBlock, client: BaseSuiGQLClient, budget: int | None = None, use_coins: list[str | SuiCoinObjectGQL] | None = None, objects_in_use: set[str], active_gas_price: int, tx_kind: TransactionKind) GasData

get_gas_data Builds the GasData BCS structure for the transaction data.

  • signing (SignerBlock) – The GraphQL SigningBlock

  • client (BaseSuiGQLClient) – The GraphQL Client

  • objects_in_use (set[str]) – Objects already identified as ‘in-use’ in the builder

  • active_gas_price (int) – Current Gas Price

  • tx_kind (bcs.TransactionKind) – The TransactionKind BCS

  • budget (Optional[int], optional) – Option budget to set for transaction, defaults to None

  • use_coins (Optional[list[Union[str, pgql_type.SuiCoinObjectGQL]]], optional) – Gas coins to use for paying transactions, defaults to None

  • ValueError – If use_coins are not either strings or SuiCoinObjectGQL objects

  • ValueError – If not gas coins provided and none found



Return type:


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txb_signing module

Pysui Signing Block builder that works with GraphQL connection.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txb_signing.SigningMultiSig(msig: BaseMultiSig, pub_keys: list[SuiPublicKey])

Bases: object

Wraps the mutli-sig along with pubkeys to use in SuiTransaction.

__init__(msig: BaseMultiSig, pub_keys: list[SuiPublicKey])


property signing_address: str


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txb_signing.SignerBlock(*, sender: str | SigningMultiSig | None = None, sponsor: str | SigningMultiSig | None = None)

Bases: object


__init__(*, sender: str | SigningMultiSig | None = None, sponsor: str | SigningMultiSig | None = None)

__init__ Create a signer block.

property sender_str: str

Return the current sender used in signing.

property sender: str | SigningMultiSig

Return the current sender used in signing.

property sponsor_str: str | None

Return the current sender used in signing.

property sponsor: None | str | SigningMultiSig

Get who, if any, may be acting as payer of transaction.

property payer_address: str

Fetch payer address.

get_signatures(*, config: SuiConfig, tx_bytes: str) list[str]

Get all the signatures needed for the transaction.

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txn_argb module

Pysui Transaction argument builder that works with GraphQL connection.

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_txn_argb.build_args(client: SuiGQLClient, in_args: list, meta_args: MoveArgSummary) list

build_args Validates and prepares arguments for transaction execution

  • client (SuiGQLClient) – The Sui GraphQL client

  • in_args (list) – The list of pre-processed arguments

  • meta_args (pgql_type.MoveArgSummary) – The meta move function argument type list


ValueError – If the provided arg count and expected don’t match


The list of post processed arguments

Return type:


pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types module

Pysui data classes for GraphQL results.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.PGQL_Type

Bases: ABC

Base GraphQL to pysui data representation class.

abstract from_query() PGQL_Type

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.PagingCursor(hasNextPage: bool = False, endCursor: str | None = <factory>)

Bases: object

Static cursor controls used for paging results.

hasNextPage: bool = False
endCursor: str | None
__init__(hasNextPage: bool = False, endCursor: str | None = <factory>) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.NoopGQL(next_cursor: PagingCursor, data: list)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Returned when no data received from GraphQL.

next_cursor: PagingCursor
data: list
classmethod from_query() NoopGQL

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


__init__(next_cursor: PagingCursor, data: list) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ErrorGQL(next_cursor: PagingCursor, data: list, errors: Any)

Bases: PGQL_Type


next_cursor: PagingCursor
data: list
errors: Any
classmethod from_query(errors: Any) ErrorGQL

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


__init__(next_cursor: PagingCursor, data: list, errors: Any) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ObjectReadDeletedGQL(version: int, object_id: str, object_kind: str)

Bases: object

Return when object has been wrapped or deleted.

version: int
object_id: str
object_kind: str
__init__(version: int, object_id: str, object_kind: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiObjectOwnedShared(obj_owner_kind: str, initial_version: int)

Bases: object

Collection of coin data objects.

obj_owner_kind: str
initial_version: int
__init__(obj_owner_kind: str, initial_version: int) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiObjectOwnedAddress(obj_owner_kind: str, address_id: str)

Bases: object

Collection of coin data objects.

obj_owner_kind: str
address_id: str
__init__(obj_owner_kind: str, address_id: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiObjectOwnedParent(obj_owner_kind: str, parent_id: str)

Bases: object

Collection of coin data objects.

obj_owner_kind: str
parent_id: str
__init__(obj_owner_kind: str, parent_id: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiObjectOwnedImmutable(obj_owner_kind: str)

Bases: object

Collection of coin data objects.

obj_owner_kind: str
__init__(obj_owner_kind: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiCoinObjectGQL(coin_type: str, version: int, object_digest: str, balance: str, previous_transaction: str, has_public_transfer: bool, coin_object_id: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Coin object representation class.

coin_type: str
version: int
object_digest: str
balance: str
previous_transaction: str
has_public_transfer: bool
coin_object_id: str
object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable
property object_id: str

Get as object_id.

classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiCoinObjectGQL

From raw GraphQL result data.

__init__(coin_type: str, version: int, object_digest: str, balance: str, previous_transaction: str, has_public_transfer: bool, coin_object_id: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiCoinFromObjectsGQL(data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL | ObjectReadDeletedGQL])

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of sui coin from objects.

data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL | ObjectReadDeletedGQL]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiCoinFromObjectsGQL

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


__init__(data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL | ObjectReadDeletedGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiCoinObjectsGQL(data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of coin data objects.

data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiCoinObjectsGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui gas coin objects.

The in_data is a dictionary with 2 keys: ‘cursor’ and ‘coin_objects’

__init__(data: list[SuiCoinObjectGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiStakedCoinGQL(poolId: str, version: int, has_public_transfer: bool, principal: str, estimated_reward: str, activated: dict, requested: dict, status: str, object_id: str, object_digest: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress)

Bases: object

Staked coin object.

poolId: str
version: int
has_public_transfer: bool
principal: str
estimated_reward: str
activated: dict
requested: dict
status: str
object_id: str
object_digest: str
object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiStakedCoinGQL

Serializes query result to list of SuiStaked gas coin objects.

__init__(poolId: str, version: int, has_public_transfer: bool, principal: str, estimated_reward: str, activated: dict, requested: dict, status: str, object_id: str, object_digest: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiStakedCoinsGQL(owner: str, staked_coins: list[SuiStakedCoinGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of staked coin objects.

owner: str
staked_coins: list[SuiStakedCoinGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiStakedCoinsGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui gas coin objects.

The in_data is a dictionary with 2 keys: ‘cursor’ and ‘coin_objects’

__init__(owner: str, staked_coins: list[SuiStakedCoinGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ObjectReadGQL(version: int, object_id: str, object_digest: str, previous_transaction_digest: str, object_kind: str, storage_rebate: str, bcs: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable, has_public_transfer: bool | None = False, object_type: str | None = None, content: dict | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Raw object representation class.

version: int
object_id: str
object_digest: str
previous_transaction_digest: str
object_kind: str
storage_rebate: str
bcs: str
object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable
has_public_transfer: bool | None = False
object_type: str | None = None
content: dict | None = None
owner_id: str | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ObjectReadGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui objects.

The in_data is a dictionary with nested dictionaries

__init__(version: int, object_id: str, object_digest: str, previous_transaction_digest: str, object_kind: str, storage_rebate: str, bcs: str, object_owner: SuiObjectOwnedAddress | SuiObjectOwnedParent | SuiObjectOwnedShared | SuiObjectOwnedImmutable, has_public_transfer: bool | None = False, object_type: str | None = None, content: dict | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ObjectReadsGQL(data: list[ObjectReadGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of object data objects.

data: list[ObjectReadGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ObjectReadsGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui objects.

The in_data is a dictionary with 2 keys: ‘cursor’ and ‘objects_data’

__init__(data: list[ObjectReadGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.EventGQL(package_id: str, module_name: str, event_type: str, timestamp: str, json: str, sender: str | None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of event summaries.

package_id: str
module_name: str
event_type: str
timestamp: str
json: str
sender: str | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) EventGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui objects.

__init__(package_id: str, module_name: str, event_type: str, timestamp: str, json: str, sender: str | None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.EventsGQL(data: list[EventGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of event summaries.

data: list[EventGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) EventsGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui objects. The in_data is a dictionary with 2 keys: ‘cursor’ and ‘events’

__init__(data: list[EventGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TxBlockListGQL(data: list[str], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Checkpoint data representation.

data: list[str]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) TxBlockListGQL

Serializes query result of tx blocks in checkpoint.

__init__(data: list[str], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.CheckpointGQL(digest: str, sequence_number: int, timestamp: str, networkTotalTransactions: int, transaction_blocks: TxBlockListGQL, previous_checkpoint_digest: str | None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Checkpoint data representation.

digest: str
sequence_number: int
timestamp: str
networkTotalTransactions: int
transaction_blocks: TxBlockListGQL
previous_checkpoint_digest: str | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) CheckpointGQL

Serializes query result of tx blocks in checkpoint.

classmethod from_last_checkpoint(in_data: dict) CheckpointGQL

Serializes query result of tx blocks in checkpoint.

__init__(digest: str, sequence_number: int, timestamp: str, networkTotalTransactions: int, transaction_blocks: TxBlockListGQL, previous_checkpoint_digest: str | None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.CheckpointsGQL(data: list[CheckpointGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of Checkpoint summaries.

data: list[CheckpointGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) CheckpointsGQL


__init__(data: list[CheckpointGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.BalanceGQL(coin_type: str, coin_object_count: int, total_balance: str, owner: str | None = '')

Bases: PGQL_Type

Balance representation class.

coin_type: str
coin_object_count: int
total_balance: str
owner: str | None = ''
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) BalanceGQL

Serializes query result of balance.

The in_data is a dictionary with nested dictionaries

__init__(coin_type: str, coin_object_count: int, total_balance: str, owner: str | None = '') None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.BalancesGQL(owner_address: str, data: list[BalanceGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Collection of balance objects.

owner_address: str
data: list[BalanceGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) BalancesGQL

Serializes query result to list of Sui objects.

The in_data is a dictionary with 2 keys: ‘cursor’ and ‘objects_data’

__init__(owner_address: str, data: list[BalanceGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SuiCoinMetadataGQL(decimals: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, symbol: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, supply: str | None = None, address: str | None = None, icon_url: str | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Coin metadata result representation class.

decimals: int | None = None
name: str | None = None
symbol: str | None = None
description: str | None = None
supply: str | None = None
address: str | None = None
icon_url: str | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SuiCoinMetadataGQL

Serializes query result to Sui coin metadata object.

__init__(decimals: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, symbol: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, supply: str | None = None, address: str | None = None, icon_url: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionResultGQL(expiration: dict | None, gas_input: dict, effects: dict, digest: str | None = '', sender: dict | None = <factory>)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Transaction result representation class.

expiration: dict | None
gas_input: dict
effects: dict
digest: str | None = ''
sender: dict | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) TransactionResultGQL


__init__(expiration: dict | None, gas_input: dict, effects: dict, digest: str | None = '', sender: dict | None = <factory>) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.DryRunResultGQL(transaction_block: TransactionResultGQL, results: list[dict] | None, error: str | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

DryRun result representation class.

transaction_block: TransactionResultGQL
results: list[dict] | None
error: str | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) DryRunResultGQL


__init__(transaction_block: TransactionResultGQL, results: list[dict] | None, error: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ExecutionResultGQL(status: str, lamport_version: int, digest: str, errors: list[str] | None = None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Execution result representation class.

status: str
lamport_version: int
digest: str
errors: list[str] | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ExecutionResultGQL


__init__(status: str, lamport_version: int, digest: str, errors: list[str] | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionSummaryGQL(digest: str, status: str, timestamp: str, errors: Optional[Any] = <factory>)

Bases: PGQL_Type

digest: str
status: str
timestamp: str
errors: Any | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) TransactionSummaryGQL


__init__(digest: str, status: str, timestamp: str, errors: ~typing.Any | None = <factory>) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionSummariesGQL(data: list[TransactionSummaryGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Transaction list of digest representation class.

data: list[TransactionSummaryGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) TransactionSummariesGQL


__init__(data: list[TransactionSummaryGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorGQL(validator_name: str, validator_address: str, description: str, project_url: str, staking_pool_sui_balance: str, pending_stake: str, pending_pool_token_withdraw: str, pending_total_sui_withdraw: str, voting_power: int, commission_rate: str, next_epoch_stake: str, gas_price: str, next_epoch_gas_price: str, next_epoch_commission_rate: int, at_risk: int | None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

Validator representation class.

validator_name: str
validator_address: str
description: str
project_url: str
staking_pool_sui_balance: str
pending_stake: str
pending_pool_token_withdraw: str
pending_total_sui_withdraw: str
voting_power: int
next_epoch_stake: str
gas_price: str
next_epoch_gas_price: str
commission_rate: str
next_epoch_commission_rate: int
at_risk: int | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ValidatorGQL


__init__(validator_name: str, validator_address: str, description: str, project_url: str, staking_pool_sui_balance: str, pending_stake: str, pending_pool_token_withdraw: str, pending_total_sui_withdraw: str, voting_power: int, commission_rate: str, next_epoch_stake: str, gas_price: str, next_epoch_gas_price: str, next_epoch_commission_rate: int, at_risk: int | None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorSetGQL(total_stake: int, validators: list[ValidatorGQL], pending_removals: list[int] | None, pending_active_validators_size: int | None, inactive_pools_size: int | None, validator_candidates_size: int | None)

Bases: PGQL_Type

ValidatorSet representation class.

total_stake: int
validators: list[ValidatorGQL]
pending_removals: list[int] | None
pending_active_validators_size: int | None
inactive_pools_size: int | None
validator_candidates_size: int | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ValidatorSetGQL


__init__(total_stake: int, validators: list[ValidatorGQL], pending_removals: list[int] | None, pending_active_validators_size: int | None, inactive_pools_size: int | None, validator_candidates_size: int | None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ReferenceGasPriceGQL(reference_gas_price: str)

Bases: PGQL_Type

ReferenceGasPriceGQL representation class.

reference_gas_price: str
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ReferenceGasPriceGQL

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


__init__(reference_gas_price: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.SystemStateSummaryGQL(system_state_version: str, total_transactions: int, reference_gas_price: ReferenceGasPriceGQL, system_parameters: dict, validator_set: ValidatorSetGQL, storage_fund: dict, safe_mode: dict)

Bases: PGQL_Type

SuiSystemStateSummary representation class.

system_state_version: str
total_transactions: int
reference_gas_price: ReferenceGasPriceGQL
system_parameters: dict
validator_set: ValidatorSetGQL
storage_fund: dict
safe_mode: dict
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) SystemStateSummaryGQL

Converts raw GraphQL result to dataclass type.


Object instance of implementing class

Return type:


__init__(system_state_version: str, total_transactions: int, reference_gas_price: ReferenceGasPriceGQL, system_parameters: dict, validator_set: ValidatorSetGQL, storage_fund: dict, safe_mode: dict) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionConstraints(protocol_version: int | None = 0, max_arguments: int | None = 0, max_input_objects: int | None = 0, max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0, max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0, max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0, max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0, max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0, max_type_arguments: int | None = 0, max_tx_gas: int | None = 0, receive_objects: bool = False)

Bases: object

Subset of Protocol Constraints.

protocol_version: int | None = 0
max_arguments: int | None = 0
max_input_objects: int | None = 0
max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0
max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0
max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0
max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0
max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0
max_type_arguments: int | None = 0
max_tx_gas: int | None = 0
receive_objects: bool = False
__init__(protocol_version: int | None = 0, max_arguments: int | None = 0, max_input_objects: int | None = 0, max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0, max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0, max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0, max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0, max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0, max_type_arguments: int | None = 0, max_tx_gas: int | None = 0, receive_objects: bool = False) None
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.KeyValue(key: str, value: bool | str | None)

Bases: object

Generic map element.

key: str
value: bool | str | None
__init__(key: str, value: bool | str | None) None
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ProtocolConfigGQL(protocolVersion: int, configs: list[~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.KeyValue], featureFlags: list[~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.KeyValue], transaction_constraints: ~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionConstraints | None = <factory>)

Bases: object

Sui ProtocolConfig representation.

protocolVersion: int
configs: list[KeyValue]
featureFlags: list[KeyValue]
transaction_constraints: TransactionConstraints | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ProtocolConfigGQL
__init__(protocolVersion: int, configs: list[~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.KeyValue], featureFlags: list[~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.KeyValue], transaction_constraints: ~pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.TransactionConstraints | None = <factory>) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveStructureGQL(struct_name: str, abilities: list[str], fields: list[dict])

Bases: object

Sui MoveStucture representation.

struct_name: str
abilities: list[str]
fields: list[dict]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MoveStructureGQL
__init__(struct_name: str, abilities: list[str], fields: list[dict]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveStructuresGQL(structures: list[MoveStructureGQL])

Bases: object

Sui collection of MoveStuctures.

structures: list[MoveStructureGQL]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MoveStructuresGQL
__init__(structures: list[MoveStructureGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.RefType(value)

Bases: IntEnum


NO_REF = 0
REF = 1
classmethod from_ref(rstr: str) RefType


class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveTypeArg(ref: RefType, scalar_type: str)

Bases: object


ref: RefType
scalar_type: str
classmethod from_str(in_ref: str, in_type: str) MoveTypeArg


__init__(ref: RefType, scalar_type: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveScalarArg(ref: RefType, scalar_type: str)

Bases: object


ref: RefType
scalar_type: str
classmethod from_str(in_ref: str, in_type: str) MoveScalarArg


__init__(ref: RefType, scalar_type: str) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveObjectRefArg(ref_type: RefType, type_package: str, type_module: str, type_struct: str, type_params: list, is_optional: bool, is_receiving: bool, has_type: bool)

Bases: object


ref_type: RefType
type_package: str
type_module: str
type_struct: str
type_params: list
is_optional: bool
is_receiving: bool
has_type: bool
classmethod from_body(in_ref: str, in_type: dict) MoveObjectRefArg


__init__(ref_type: RefType, type_package: str, type_module: str, type_struct: str, type_params: list, is_optional: bool, is_receiving: bool, has_type: bool) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveVectorArg(ref: RefType, vec_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg)

Bases: object


ref: RefType
vec_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg
classmethod from_body(in_ref: str, in_type: dict) MoveVectorArg


__init__(ref: RefType, vec_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveListArg(ref: RefType, list_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg)

Bases: object


ref: RefType
list_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg
__init__(ref: RefType, list_arg: MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveWitnessArg(ref: RefType)

Bases: object


ref: RefType
classmethod from_body(in_ref: str) MoveWitnessArg


__init__(ref: RefType) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveArgSummary(type_parameters: list, arg_list: list[MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg | MoveTypeArg | MoveVectorArg | MoveWitnessArg], returns: int | None = None)

Bases: object


type_parameters: list
arg_list: list[MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg | MoveTypeArg | MoveVectorArg | MoveWitnessArg]
returns: int | None = None
__init__(type_parameters: list, arg_list: list[MoveScalarArg | MoveObjectRefArg | MoveTypeArg | MoveVectorArg | MoveWitnessArg], returns: int | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveFunctionGQL(function_name: str, is_entry: bool, visibility: str, type_parameters: list, parameters: list[dict], returns: list | None = <factory>)

Bases: object

Sui MoveFunction representation.

function_name: str
is_entry: bool
visibility: str
type_parameters: list
parameters: list[dict]
returns: list | None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MoveFunctionGQL
arg_summary() MoveArgSummary

Summarize the function’s arguments.

__init__(function_name: str, is_entry: bool, visibility: str, type_parameters: list, parameters: list[dict], returns: list | None = <factory>) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveFunctionsGQL(functions: list[MoveFunctionGQL])

Bases: object

Sui MoveFunction representation.

functions: list[MoveFunctionGQL]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MoveFunctionsGQL


__init__(functions: list[MoveFunctionGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MoveModuleGQL(module_name: str, module_structures: MoveStructuresGQL, module_functions: MoveFunctionsGQL)

Bases: object

Sui MoveModule representation.

module_name: str
module_structures: MoveStructuresGQL
module_functions: MoveFunctionsGQL
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MoveModuleGQL
__init__(module_name: str, module_structures: MoveStructuresGQL, module_functions: MoveFunctionsGQL) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.MovePackageGQL(package_id: str, package_version: int, modules: list[MoveModuleGQL])

Bases: object

Sui MovePackage representation.

package_id: str
package_version: int
modules: list[MoveModuleGQL]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) MovePackageGQL
__init__(package_id: str, package_version: int, modules: list[MoveModuleGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorFullGQL(validator_name: str, validator_address: str, description: str, imageUrl: str, projectUrl: str, stakingPoolSuiBalance: str, stakingPoolActivationEpoch: int, exchangeRatesSize: int, rewardsPool: str, poolTokenBalance: str, pendingStake: str, pendingTotalSuiWithdraw: str, pendingPoolTokenWithdraw: str, votingPower: int, gasPrice: str, commissionRate: int, nextEpochStake: str, nextEpochGasPrice: str, nextEpochCommissionRate: 1200, apy: int, atRisk: int | None = None, operating_cap_address: str | None = None, exchange_rates_address: str | None = None, staking_pool_address: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Sui ValidatorSet representation.

validator_name: str
validator_address: str
description: str
imageUrl: str
projectUrl: str
stakingPoolSuiBalance: str
stakingPoolActivationEpoch: int
exchangeRatesSize: int
rewardsPool: str
poolTokenBalance: str
pendingStake: str
pendingTotalSuiWithdraw: str
pendingPoolTokenWithdraw: str
votingPower: int
gasPrice: str
commissionRate: int
nextEpochStake: str
nextEpochGasPrice: str
nextEpochCommissionRate: 1200
apy: int
atRisk: int | None = None
operating_cap_address: str | None = None
exchange_rates_address: str | None = None
staking_pool_address: str | None = None
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ValidatorFullGQL
__init__(validator_name: str, validator_address: str, description: str, imageUrl: str, projectUrl: str, stakingPoolSuiBalance: str, stakingPoolActivationEpoch: int, exchangeRatesSize: int, rewardsPool: str, poolTokenBalance: str, pendingStake: str, pendingTotalSuiWithdraw: str, pendingPoolTokenWithdraw: str, votingPower: int, gasPrice: str, commissionRate: int, nextEpochStake: str, nextEpochGasPrice: str, nextEpochCommissionRate: 1200, apy: int, atRisk: int | None = None, operating_cap_address: str | None = None, exchange_rates_address: str | None = None, staking_pool_address: str | None = None) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorSetsGQL(totalStake: str, pendingRemovals: list, pendingActiveValidatorsId: str, pendingActiveValidatorsSize: int, stakingPoolMappingsId: str, inactivePoolsId: str, validatorCandidatesId: str, validatorCandidatesSize: int, validators: list[ValidatorFullGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor)

Bases: object

Sui ValidatorSet representation.

totalStake: str
pendingRemovals: list
pendingActiveValidatorsId: str
pendingActiveValidatorsSize: int
stakingPoolMappingsId: str
inactivePoolsId: str
validatorCandidatesId: str
validatorCandidatesSize: int
validators: list[ValidatorFullGQL]
next_cursor: PagingCursor
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ValidatorSetsGQL
__init__(totalStake: str, pendingRemovals: list, pendingActiveValidatorsId: str, pendingActiveValidatorsSize: int, stakingPoolMappingsId: str, inactivePoolsId: str, validatorCandidatesId: str, validatorCandidatesSize: int, validators: list[ValidatorFullGQL], next_cursor: PagingCursor) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorApyGQL(name: str, apy: int)

Bases: object

Sui ValidatorApy representation.

name: str
apy: int
__init__(name: str, apy: int) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.ValidatorApysGQL(next_cursor: PagingCursor, validators_apy: list[ValidatorApyGQL])

Bases: object

Sui ValidatorApy representation.

next_cursor: PagingCursor
validators_apy: list[ValidatorApyGQL]
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) ValidatorApysGQL
__init__(next_cursor: PagingCursor, validators_apy: list[ValidatorApyGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.DynamicFieldGQL(name: dict, field_kind: str, field_data: dict)

Bases: object

Sui Object’s Dynamic Field representation.

name: dict
field_kind: str
field_data: dict
__init__(name: dict, field_kind: str, field_data: dict) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types.DynamicFieldsGQL(parent_object_id: str, version: int, next_cursor: PagingCursor, dynamic_fields: list[DynamicFieldGQL])

Bases: object

Sui Object’s Dynamic Fields representation.

parent_object_id: str
version: int
next_cursor: PagingCursor
dynamic_fields: list[DynamicFieldGQL]
__init__(parent_object_id: str, version: int, next_cursor: PagingCursor, dynamic_fields: list[DynamicFieldGQL]) None
dataclass_json_config = {'letter_case': <function camelcase>}
classmethod from_dict(kvs: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None, *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: str | bytes | bytearray, *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
classmethod from_query(in_data: dict) DynamicFieldsGQL
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: str | int | None = None, separators: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, default: Callable | None = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str

pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_validators module

Temporary validations.

class pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_validators.TypeValidator

Bases: object

TypeValidator contains validation classmethods.

classmethod check_owner(owner: str, config: SuiConfig) str | ValueError

check_owner Validates owner is well formed Sui Address.

Owner may be an alias or a string with 0x prefix and up to 64 hex characters

  • owner (str) – Input data string to validate

  • config (SuiConfig) – The active SuiConfiguraiton for alias checking

  • ValueError – If not alias and string length not valid for address

  • ValueError – Malformed Sui address string


Validated owner address string

Return type:

Union[str, ValueError]

classmethod check_object_id(object_id: str) str | ValueError

check_object_id Validates object id is well formed Sui object id string.


object_id (str) – Input data string to validate

  • ValueError – Invalid object id string length

  • ValueError – If string does not have 0x or 0X prefix

  • ValueError – Malformed Sui address string


Validated object id string

Return type:

Union[str, ValueError]

classmethod check_object_ids(object_ids: list[str]) list[str] | ValueError

check_object_ids Validate a list of object_ids


object_ids (list[str]) – List of object id strings


List of validated object id strings

Return type:

Union[list[str], ValueError]

classmethod check_target_triplet(target: str) tuple[str, str, str] | ValueError


Module contents

Pysui Sui GraphQL RPC Package.