pysui.sui.sui_txresults package


pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common module

Sui Common Result Type classes.

class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Generic object reference.

object_id: str
version: int
digest: str
__init__(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.CoinRef(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str)

Bases: GenericRef

Coin representation.

__init__(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.PackageRef(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str)

Bases: GenericRef

Package representation.

__init__(object_id: str, version: int, digest: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.SuiTxReturnType

Bases: ABC

Abstraction for all return objects.

class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef(reference: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef, owner: dict | str = <factory>)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Owned coin referenece.

reference: GenericRef
owner: dict | str
__init__(reference: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef, owner: dict | str = <factory>) None

pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx module

Types return from complext transactions.

class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxGasData(budget: int, owner: str, price: int, payment: list[GenericRef])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Transaction Data.

budget: int
owner: str
price: int
payment: list[GenericRef]
__init__(budget: int, owner: str, price: int, payment: list[GenericRef]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ChangeEpoch(kind: str, computational_charge: int, epoch: int, epoch_start_timestamp_ms: int, storage_charge: int, storage_rebate: int)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A system transaction that will update epoch information on-chain.

kind: str
computational_charge: int
epoch: int
epoch_start_timestamp_ms: int
storage_charge: int
storage_rebate: int
__init__(kind: str, computational_charge: int, epoch: int, epoch_start_timestamp_ms: int, storage_charge: int, storage_rebate: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Genesis(kind: str, objects: list[str])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A system transaction used for initializing the initial state of the chain.

kind: str
objects: list[str]
__init__(kind: str, objects: list[str]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ConsensusCommitPrologue(kind: str, commit_timestamp_ms: str, epoch: str, prologue_round: str)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A system transaction marking the start of a series of transactions scheduled as part of a checkpoint.

kind: str
commit_timestamp_ms: str
epoch: str
prologue_round: str
__init__(kind: str, commit_timestamp_ms: str, epoch: str, prologue_round: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ConsensusCommitPrologueV2(kind: str, commit_timestamp_ms: str, consensus_commit_digest: str, epoch: str, prologue_round: str)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A system transaction marking the start of a series of transactions scheduled as part of a checkpoint.

kind: str
commit_timestamp_ms: str
consensus_commit_digest: str
epoch: str
prologue_round: str
__init__(kind: str, commit_timestamp_ms: str, consensus_commit_digest: str, epoch: str, prologue_round: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ProgrammableTransaction(kind: str, transactions: list[dict], inputs: list[Any])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A series of commands where the results of one command can be used in future commands.

kind: str
transactions: list[dict]
inputs: list[Any]
__init__(kind: str, transactions: list[dict], inputs: list[Any]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.AuthenticatorStateUpdate(kind: str, epoch: str, new_active_jwks: list[dict], prologue_round: str)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A transaction which updates global authenticator state.

Added in version 0.40.0: Added to transaction results.

kind: str
epoch: str
new_active_jwks: list[dict]
prologue_round: str
__init__(kind: str, epoch: str, new_active_jwks: list[dict], prologue_round: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.RandomnessStateUpdate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

A transaction which updates global randomness state.

Deprecated since version 0.40.1: Sui removed round/prologue_round in 1.16.0

Added in version 0.40.0: Added to transaction results.

kind: str
epoch: str
random_bytes: list[int]
randomness_round: str
prologue_round: str | None
__init__(kind: str, epoch: str, random_bytes: list[int], randomness_round: str, prologue_round: str | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.EndOfEpochTransaction(kind: str, transactions: list[dict])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

The transaction which occurs only at the end of the epoch.

Added in version 0.40.0: Added to transaction results.

kind: str
transactions: list[dict]
__init__(kind: str, transactions: list[dict]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TransactionData(sender: str, message_version: str, gas_data: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxGasData, transaction: dict = <factory>)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Transaction Data.

Changed in version 0.40.0: Extended transaction kinds to include AuthenticatorStateUpdate, RandomnessStateUpdate and EndOfEpochTransaction

sender: str
message_version: str
gas_data: TxGasData
transaction: dict
__init__(sender: str, message_version: str, gas_data: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxGasData, transaction: dict = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.MultiSigPublicKey(pk_map: dict[str, str], threshold: int)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Multi-sig Public Key info if used to sign transactions.

pk_map: dict[str, str]
threshold: int
__init__(pk_map: dict[str, str], threshold: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.MultiSig(bitmap: str, multisig_pk: MultiSigPublicKey, sigs: list[dict[str, str]])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Defined for multi-sig transaction signing.

bitmap: str
multisig_pk: MultiSigPublicKey
sigs: list[dict[str, str]]
__init__(bitmap: str, multisig_pk: MultiSigPublicKey, sigs: list[dict[str, str]]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Transaction(data: TransactionData, tx_signatures: list[str | dict])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Transaction encapsulates single and multi-sig signatures as well as specific transaction data.

data: TransactionData
tx_signatures: list[str | dict]
__init__(data: TransactionData, tx_signatures: list[str | dict]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Event(bcs: str, package_id: str, parsed_json: str, sender: str, transaction_module: str, event_type: str, event_id: dict, timestamp_ms: str | None = '')

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Result of various get and result API.

bcs: str
package_id: str
parsed_json: str
sender: str
transaction_module: str
event_type: str
event_id: dict
timestamp_ms: str | None = ''
__init__(bcs: str, package_id: str, parsed_json: str, sender: str, transaction_module: str, event_type: str, event_id: dict, timestamp_ms: str | None = '') None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.EventBlock(events: list[Event])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Collection of events.

events: list[Event]
classmethod factory(in_data: list[dict]) EventBlock

Process array of Events.

__init__(events: list[Event]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.GasCostSummary(computation_cost: int, non_refundable_storage_fee: int, storage_cost: int, storage_rebate: int)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Gas used.

computation_cost: int
non_refundable_storage_fee: int
storage_cost: int
storage_rebate: int
property total: int

Totals all components of gas cost.

property total_after_rebate: int

All cost after rebate removed.

__init__(computation_cost: int, non_refundable_storage_fee: int, storage_cost: int, storage_rebate: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Status(status: str, error: str | None = None)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Status of transaction.

status: str
error: str | None = None
succeeded: bool
__init__(status: str, error: str | None = None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Effects(status: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Status, message_version: str, gas_used: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.GasCostSummary, transaction_digest: str, gas_object: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef, modified_at_versions: list[dict] | None = <factory>, dependencies: list[str] = <factory>, mutated: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, created: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, deleted: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, wrapped: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, unwrapped: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, unwrapped_then_deleted: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, shared_objects: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, executed_epoch: int | None = <factory>, events_digest: str | None = <factory>)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Effects Certification.

Changed in version 0.28.0: unwrapped_then_deleted changed to GenericRef as per spec.

status: Status
message_version: str
gas_used: GasCostSummary
transaction_digest: str
gas_object: GenericOwnerRef
modified_at_versions: list[dict] | None
dependencies: list[str]
mutated: list[GenericOwnerRef] | None
created: list[GenericOwnerRef] | None
deleted: list[GenericRef] | None
wrapped: list[GenericRef] | None
unwrapped: list[GenericOwnerRef] | None
unwrapped_then_deleted: list[GenericRef] | None
shared_objects: list[GenericRef] | None
executed_epoch: int | None
events_digest: str | None
__init__(status: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Status, message_version: str, gas_used: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.GasCostSummary, transaction_digest: str, gas_object: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef, modified_at_versions: list[dict] | None = <factory>, dependencies: list[str] = <factory>, mutated: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, created: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, deleted: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, wrapped: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, unwrapped: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericOwnerRef] | None = <factory>, unwrapped_then_deleted: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, shared_objects: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.common.GenericRef] | None = <factory>, executed_epoch: int | None = <factory>, events_digest: str | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxResponse(digest: str, raw_transaction: str | None = <factory>, balance_changes: list[dict] | None = <factory>, object_changes: list[dict] | None = <factory>, transaction: dict | None = <factory>, errors: list[str] | None = <factory>, effects: dict | None = <factory>, events: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Event] | None = <factory>, checkpoint: str | None = <factory>, confirmed_local_execution: bool | None = <factory>, timestamp_ms: int | None = 0, raw_effects: list[int] | None = <factory>)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

Transaction Result.

digest: str
raw_transaction: str | None
balance_changes: list[dict] | None
object_changes: list[dict] | None
transaction: dict | None
errors: list[str] | None
effects: dict | None
events: list[Event] | None
checkpoint: str | None
confirmed_local_execution: bool | None
timestamp_ms: int | None = 0
raw_effects: list[int] | None
property succeeded: bool

Check if transaction result is successful.

property status: str

Get underlying status string.

__init__(digest: str, raw_transaction: str | None = <factory>, balance_changes: list[dict] | None = <factory>, object_changes: list[dict] | None = <factory>, transaction: dict | None = <factory>, errors: list[str] | None = <factory>, effects: dict | None = <factory>, events: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Event] | None = <factory>, checkpoint: str | None = <factory>, confirmed_local_execution: bool | None = <factory>, timestamp_ms: int | None = 0, raw_effects: list[int] | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxResponseArray(transactions: list[TxResponse])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_multiGetTransactions.

transactions: list[TxResponse]
classmethod factory(in_data: list) TxResponseArray


__init__(transactions: list[TxResponse]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.DryRunTxResult(effects: Effects, events: list[Event], input: dict, object_changes: list[dict], balance_changes: list[dict])

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_dryRunTransaction.

effects: Effects
events: list[Event]
input: dict
object_changes: list[dict]
balance_changes: list[dict]
__init__(effects: Effects, events: list[Event], input: dict, object_changes: list[dict], balance_changes: list[dict]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TxInspectionResult(effects: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Effects, events: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Event], results: list[dict] | None = <factory>, error: str | None = <factory>)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_devInspectTransaction and sui_devInspectMoveCall.

effects: Effects
events: list[Event]
results: list[dict] | None
error: str | None
classmethod factory(in_data: dict) TxInspectionResult


__init__(effects: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Effects, events: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Event], results: list[dict] | None = <factory>, error: str | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TransactionBytes(gas: list[GenericRef], input_objects: list[dict], tx_bytes: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From pre-signed execution (i.e. sui_moveCall, sui_pay, etc.).

gas: list[GenericRef]
input_objects: list[dict]
tx_bytes: str
__init__(gas: list[GenericRef], input_objects: list[dict], tx_bytes: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest(digest: list[int])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCheckpoint.

digest: list[int]
__init__(digest: list[int]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.EndOfEpoch(epoch_commitments: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest], next_epoch_protocol_version: int, next_epoch_committee: list[int] | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCheckpoint.

epoch_commitments: list[ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest]
next_epoch_protocol_version: int
next_epoch_committee: list[int] | None
__init__(epoch_commitments: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest], next_epoch_protocol_version: int, next_epoch_committee: list[int] | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Checkpoint(checkpoint_commitments: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest], digest: str, epoch: str, epoch_rolling_gas_cost_summary: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.GasCostSummary, validator_signature: str, network_total_transactions: str, sequence_number: str, timestamp_ms: str, previous_digest: str = <factory>, end_of_epoch_data: dict | None = <factory>, transactions: list[str] = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCheckpoint.

checkpoint_commitments: list[ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest]
digest: str
epoch: str
epoch_rolling_gas_cost_summary: GasCostSummary
validator_signature: str
network_total_transactions: str
sequence_number: str
timestamp_ms: str
previous_digest: str
end_of_epoch_data: dict | None
transactions: list[str]
__init__(checkpoint_commitments: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ECMHLiveObjectSetDigest], digest: str, epoch: str, epoch_rolling_gas_cost_summary: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.GasCostSummary, validator_signature: str, network_total_transactions: str, sequence_number: str, timestamp_ms: str, previous_digest: str = <factory>, end_of_epoch_data: dict | None = <factory>, transactions: list[str] = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.Checkpoints(data: list[Checkpoint], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCheckpoints.

data: list[Checkpoint]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: str | None
__init__(data: list[Checkpoint], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.NameServices(data: list[str], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_resolveNameServiceNames.

Added in version 0.17.0: Support Sui 0.32.0 RPC API return type.

data: list[str]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: str | None
__init__(data: list[str], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.SubscribedEventParms(subscription: int, result: Event)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_subscribeEvents.

subscription: int
result: Event
__init__(subscription: int, result: Event) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.SubscribedEvent(jsonrpc: str, method: str, params: SubscribedEventParms)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_subscribeEvents.

jsonrpc: str
method: str
params: SubscribedEventParms
__init__(jsonrpc: str, method: str, params: SubscribedEventParms) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.SubscribedTransactionParms(subscription: int, result: Effects)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_subscribeTransaction.

Added in version 0.20.0: Sui RPC API 1.0.0 reintroduced subscribe to transactions.

subscription: int
result: Effects
__init__(subscription: int, result: Effects) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.SubscribedTransaction(jsonrpc: str, method: str, params: SubscribedTransactionParms)

Bases: SuiTxReturnType, DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_subscribeTransactions.

Added in version 0.20.0: Sui RPC API 1.0.0 reintroduced subscribe to transactions.

jsonrpc: str
method: str
params: SubscribedTransactionParms
__init__(jsonrpc: str, method: str, params: SubscribedTransactionParms) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.TransactionQueryEnvelope(data: list[TxResponse], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: None | str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

from suix_queryTransactionBlocks.

data: list[TxResponse]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: None | str
__init__(data: list[TxResponse], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: None | str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.EventQueryEnvelope(data: list[Event], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: None | EventID)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_queryEvents.

data: list[Event]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: None | EventID
__init__(data: list[Event], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: None | EventID) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.AuxInputs(addr_seed: str, eph_public_key: list[str], jwt_sha2_hash: list[str], jwt_signature: str, key_claim_name: str, masked_content: list[int], max_epoch: int, num_sha2_blocks: int, payload_len: int, payload_start_index: int)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From ZKP support.

Added in version 0.24.1: Added in Sui RPC API 1.3.0

addr_seed: str
eph_public_key: list[str]
jwt_sha2_hash: list[str]
jwt_signature: str
key_claim_name: str
masked_content: list[int]
max_epoch: int
num_sha2_blocks: int
payload_len: int
payload_start_index: int
__init__(addr_seed: str, eph_public_key: list[str], jwt_sha2_hash: list[str], jwt_signature: str, key_claim_name: str, masked_content: list[int], max_epoch: int, num_sha2_blocks: int, payload_len: int, payload_start_index: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.PublicInputs(inputs: list[str])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From ZKP support.

Added in version 0.24.1: Added in Sui RPC API 1.3.0

inputs: list[str]
__init__(inputs: list[str]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ZKLoginProof(pi_a: list[str], pi_b: list[list[str]], pi_c: list[str], protocol: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From ZKP support.

Added in version 0.24.1: Added in Sui RPC API 1.3.0

pi_a: list[str]
pi_b: list[list[str]]
pi_c: list[str]
protocol: str
__init__(pi_a: list[str], pi_b: list[list[str]], pi_c: list[str], protocol: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.complex_tx.ZkLoginAuthenticator(aux_inputs: AuxInputs, proof: ZKLoginProof, public_inputs: PublicInputs, user_signature: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From ZKP support.

Added in version 0.24.1: Added in Sui RPC API 1.3.0

aux_inputs: AuxInputs
proof: ZKLoginProof
public_inputs: PublicInputs
user_signature: str
__init__(aux_inputs: AuxInputs, proof: ZKLoginProof, public_inputs: PublicInputs, user_signature: str) None

pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta module

Sui Package Meta Deta types.

class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveType

Bases: object

SuiMoveType is a factory of generalized Normalized types.

classmethod resolve(parm: str | dict) DataClassJsonMixin

resolve Dispatches data loaders based on parm dictionary.


parm (dict) – A dictionary containing a SuiMoveNormalizedType


ValueError – Type signature is an unknown type


A pysui Sui data object

Return type:


class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveField(name: str, field_type: str | int | dict)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

Changed in version 0.17.0: Added int as type result.

name: str
field_type: str | int | dict
__init__(name: str, field_type: str | int | dict) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveAbilitySet(abilities: list[str])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

abilities: list[str]
__init__(abilities: list[str]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveStructTypeParameter(constraints: SuiMoveAbilitySet, is_phantom: bool)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

constraints: SuiMoveAbilitySet
is_phantom: bool
__init__(constraints: SuiMoveAbilitySet, is_phantom: bool) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveStruct(abilities: SuiMoveAbilitySet, fields: list[SuiMoveField], type_parameters: list[SuiMoveStructTypeParameter])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

abilities: SuiMoveAbilitySet
fields: list[SuiMoveField]
type_parameters: list[SuiMoveStructTypeParameter]
classmethod ingest_data(indata: dict) SuiMoveStruct

ingest_data Ingest results of direct call to sui_getNormalizedMoveStruct.


indata (dict) – Dictionary containing structure defintion


Instance of SuiMoveStruct

Return type:


__init__(abilities: SuiMoveAbilitySet, fields: list[SuiMoveField], type_parameters: list[SuiMoveStructTypeParameter]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveVector(vector_of: str | dict)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

vector_of: str | dict
__init__(vector_of: str | dict) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveParameterType(type_parameters_index: int = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

type_parameters_index: int
__init__(type_parameters_index: int = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiParameterStruct(address: str, module: str, name: str, type_arguments: list[Any])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalize.

address: str
module: str
name: str
type_arguments: list[Any]
__init__(address: str, module: str, name: str, type_arguments: list[Any]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiParameterReference(reference_type: str, reference_to: str | dict, is_mutable: bool = False)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalize.

reference_type: str
reference_to: str | dict
is_mutable: bool = False
__init__(reference_type: str, reference_to: str | dict, is_mutable: bool = False) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveScalarArgument(scalar_type: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

scalar_type: str
__init__(scalar_type: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveFunctionArgumentTypes(arg_list: list[str | dict[str, str]])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

Changed in version 0.17.0: Changed ingest_data to factory.

arg_list: list[str | dict[str, str]]
classmethod factory(indata: list) SuiMoveFunctionArgumentTypes

ingest_data Ingest results of calling sui_getMoveFunctionArgTypes.


indata (list) – list containing function argument types


Instance of SuiMoveFunctionArgumentTypes

Return type:


__init__(arg_list: list[str | dict[str, str]]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveFunction(visibility: str, is_entry: bool, type_parameters: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveAbilitySet], parameters: list[str | dict], returns: list[str | dict] = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

Changed in version 0.17.0: Changed ingest_data to factory.

visibility: str
is_entry: bool
type_parameters: list[SuiMoveAbilitySet]
parameters: list[str | dict]
returns: list[str | dict]
classmethod factory(indata: dict) SuiMoveFunction

ingest_data Ingest results of calling sui_getNormalizedMoveFunction.


indata (dict) – Dictionary containing function defintion


Instance of SuiMoveFunction

Return type:


__init__(visibility: str, is_entry: bool, type_parameters: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveAbilitySet], parameters: list[str | dict], returns: list[str | dict] = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveModuleId(address: str, name: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

MoveModuleId Is a reference to a module’s address and name.

Found in a modules ‘friends’ list

address: str
name: str
__init__(address: str, name: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMoveModule(name: str, address: str, file_format_version: int, friends: list[SuiMoveModuleId], structs: dict[str, SuiMoveStruct], exposed_functions: dict[str, SuiMoveFunction])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

Changed in version 0.17.0: Changed ingest_data to factory.

name: str
address: str
file_format_version: int
friends: list[SuiMoveModuleId]
structs: dict[str, SuiMoveStruct]
exposed_functions: dict[str, SuiMoveFunction]
classmethod factory(indata: dict) SuiMoveModule

ingest_data Ingest results of calling sui_getNormalizedMoveModule.


indata (dict) – Dictionary containing module defintion


Instance of SuiMoveModule

Return type:


__init__(name: str, address: str, file_format_version: int, friends: list[SuiMoveModuleId], structs: dict[str, SuiMoveStruct], exposed_functions: dict[str, SuiMoveFunction]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.package_meta.SuiMovePackage(modules: dict)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From getNormalized.

Changed in version 0.17.0: Changed ingest_data to factory.

modules: dict
classmethod factory(indata: dict) SuiMovePackage

Ingest from external call.

__init__(modules: dict) None

pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx module

Types return from single transactions.

class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.FaucetGas(amount: int, transfer_tx_digest: str, object_id: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Faucet Gas Object.

amount: int
transfer_tx_digest: str
object_id: str
__init__(amount: int, transfer_tx_digest: str, object_id: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.FaucetGasRequest(transferred_gas_objects: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.FaucetGas], error: dict | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Result of faucet get gas.

transferred_gas_objects: list[FaucetGas]
error: dict | None
__init__(transferred_gas_objects: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.FaucetGas], error: dict | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectReadData(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

has_public_transfer: bool
fields: dict
data_type: str
type_: str
type_arg: str
__init__(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectPackageReadData(disassembled: dict, data_type: str, type_: str | None = '')

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

disassembled: dict
data_type: str
type_: str | None = ''
__init__(disassembled: dict, data_type: str, type_: str | None = '') None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectNotExist(object_id: str, code: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

object_id: str
code: str | None
property identifier: ObjectID

Alias object_id.

__init__(object_id: str, code: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectVersionNotFound(object_id: str, asked_version: str, latest_version: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

object_id: str
asked_version: str
latest_version: str
property identifier: ObjectID

Alias object_id.

__init__(object_id: str, asked_version: str, latest_version: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectVersionTooHigh(asked_version: str, latest_version: str, object_id: str, code: str = 'Object version requested too high.')

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

asked_version: str
latest_version: str
object_id: str
code: str = 'Object version requested too high.'
property identifier: ObjectID

Alias object_id.

__init__(asked_version: str, latest_version: str, object_id: str, code: str = 'Object version requested too high.') None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectDeleted(code: str, object_id: str, digest: str, version: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

code: str
object_id: str
digest: str
version: str
property identifier: ObjectID

Alias object_id.

__init__(code: str, object_id: str, digest: str, version: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.AddressOwner(owner_type: str, address_owner: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

owner_type: str
address_owner: str
__init__(owner_type: str, address_owner: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectOwner(owner_type: str, object_owner: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

owner_type: str
object_owner: str
__init__(owner_type: str, object_owner: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SharedOwner(owner_type: str, initial_shared_version: str, mutable: bool | None = None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

owner_type: str
initial_shared_version: str
mutable: bool | None = None
__init__(owner_type: str, initial_shared_version: str, mutable: bool | None = None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ImmutableOwner(owner_type: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

owner_type: str
__init__(owner_type: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.NotRequestedOwner(owner_type: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getObject.

owner_type: str
__init__(owner_type: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectRawData(version: str, data_type: str, type_: str | None = <factory>, has_public_transfer: bool | None = <factory>, bcs_bytes: str | None = <factory>, module_map: dict | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getRawObject.

version: str
data_type: str
type_: str | None
has_public_transfer: bool | None
bcs_bytes: str | None
module_map: dict | None
__init__(version: str, data_type: str, type_: str | None = <factory>, has_public_transfer: bool | None = <factory>, bcs_bytes: str | None = <factory>, module_map: dict | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.DisplayFields(data: Any, error: dict | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From GetObject.

data: Any
error: dict | None
__init__(data: Any, error: dict | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectRead(version: str, object_id: str, previous_transaction: str | None = <factory>, object_type: str | None = <factory>, storage_rebate: str | None = 0, content: dict | None = <factory>, bcs: dict | None = <factory>, digest: str | None = <factory>, display: dict | None = <factory>, owner: ~typing.Any | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

ObjectRead is base sui_getObject result.

version: str
object_id: str
previous_transaction: str | None
object_type: str | None
storage_rebate: str | None = 0
content: dict | None
bcs: dict | None
digest: str | None
display: dict | None
owner: Any | None
property identifier: ObjectID

Alias object_id.

property balance: str

Alias balance for coin types.

property type_signature: str

Alias type_signature.

property owner_address: SuiAddress

owner_address Return owner as SuiAddress.



Return type:


classmethod differentiate(indata: dict) ObjectRead | ObjectNotExist | ObjectDeleted

_differentiate determines concrete type and instantiates it.


indata (dict) – Dictionary mapped from JSON result of sui_getObject


If it exists, ObjectRead subclass, if not ObjectNotExist or ObjectDeleted if it has been

Return type:

Union[ObjectRead, ObjectNotExist, ObjectDeleted]

classmethod factory(indata: dict | list[dict]) Any | list

factory that consumes inbound data result.


indata (Union[dict, list[dict]]) – Data received from sui_getObject


results of indata parse

Return type:

Union[Any, list]

__init__(version: str, object_id: str, previous_transaction: str | None = <factory>, object_type: str | None = <factory>, storage_rebate: str | None = 0, content: dict | None = <factory>, bcs: dict | None = <factory>, digest: str | None = <factory>, display: dict | None = <factory>, owner: ~typing.Any | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectReadPage(data: list[dict], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getOwnedObjects.

data: list[dict]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: str | None
__init__(data: list[dict], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectRawPackage(package_id: str, data_type: str, module_map: dict, version: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getRawObject.

package_id: str
data_type: str
module_map: dict
version: str
__init__(package_id: str, data_type: str, module_map: dict, version: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ObjectRawRead(data: dict | ObjectRead | ObjectRawData | ObjectRawPackage, owner: Any, reference: GenericRef, storage_rebate: int, previous_transaction: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getRawObject.

data: dict | ObjectRead | ObjectRawData | ObjectRawPackage
owner: Any
reference: GenericRef
storage_rebate: int
previous_transaction: str
classmethod factory(indata: dict | list[dict]) Any | list

factory that consumes inbound data result.


indata (Union[dict, list[dict]]) – Data received from sui_getRawObject


results of indata parse

Return type:

Union[Any, list]

__init__(data: dict | ObjectRead | ObjectRawData | ObjectRawPackage, owner: Any, reference: GenericRef, storage_rebate: int, previous_transaction: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiPackage(disassembled: dict, data_type: str, type_: str | None = '')

Bases: ObjectPackageReadData

SuiPackage is a package object.


ObjectPackageReadData (ObjectPackageReadData) – superclass


Instance of SuiPackage

Return type:


__init__(disassembled: dict, data_type: str, type_: str | None = '') None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiData(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>)

Bases: ObjectReadData

SuiData is object that is not coins.


ObjectReadData (ObjectReadData) – superclass


Instance of SuiData

Return type:


__init__(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoin(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>)

Bases: ObjectReadData

SuiCoinType is the generic coin.


ObjectReadData (ObjectReadData) – superclass


Instance of SuiCoin

Return type:


__init__(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiGas(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>)

Bases: SuiCoin

SuiGasType is SUI Gas coin object type.


SuiCoin (SuiCoin) – superclass


Instance of SuiGas

Return type:


property balance: int

balance returns the balance of coin<type> for this object.


balance value

Return type:


__init__(has_public_transfer: bool, fields: dict, data_type: str, type_: str, type_arg: str = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.Committee(authority_key: str, staked_units: int)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCommittee.

authority_key: str
staked_units: int
__init__(authority_key: str, staked_units: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.CommitteeInfo(epoch: str, validators: list[Committee])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCommittee.

epoch: str
validators: list[Committee]
classmethod factory(indata: dict) CommitteeInfo

factory generates a CommitteeInfo type.


indata (dict) – return from RPC API


An instance of a CommitteeInfo object

Return type:


__init__(epoch: str, validators: list[Committee]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.Table(size: int, table_id: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getSuiSystemState.

size: int
table_id: str
__init__(size: int, table_id: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.StakingPool(activation_epoch: list[int], deactivation_epoch: list[int], exchange_rates: dict, stakinig_pool_id: str, pending_delegation: int, pending_pool_token_withdraw: int, pending_total_sui_withdraw: int, pool_token_balance: int, rewards_pool: dict | int, sui_balance: int)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getSuiSystemState.

activation_epoch: list[int]
deactivation_epoch: list[int]
exchange_rates: dict
stakinig_pool_id: str
pending_delegation: int
pending_pool_token_withdraw: int
pending_total_sui_withdraw: int
pool_token_balance: int
rewards_pool: dict | int
sui_balance: int
__init__(activation_epoch: list[int], deactivation_epoch: list[int], exchange_rates: dict, stakinig_pool_id: str, pending_delegation: int, pending_pool_token_withdraw: int, pending_total_sui_withdraw: int, pool_token_balance: int, rewards_pool: dict | int, sui_balance: int) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ValidatorMetaData(description: str, image_url: str, name: str, net_address: list[int], network_pubkey_bytes: list[int], next_epoch_net_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, next_epoch_p2p_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_primary_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_proof_of_possession: list[int] | None, next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, next_epoch_worker_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, p2p_address: list[int], primary_address: list[int], project_url: str, proof_of_possession_bytes: list[int], protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int], sui_address: str, worker_address: list[int], worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getSuiSystemState.

description: str
image_url: str
name: str
net_address: list[int]
network_pubkey_bytes: list[int]
next_epoch_net_address: list[int] | None
next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None
next_epoch_p2p_address: list[int] | None
next_epoch_primary_address: list[int] | None
next_epoch_proof_of_possession: list[int] | None
next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None
next_epoch_worker_address: list[int] | None
next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None
p2p_address: list[int]
primary_address: list[int]
project_url: str
proof_of_possession_bytes: list[int]
protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int]
sui_address: str
worker_address: list[int]
worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int]
__init__(description: str, image_url: str, name: str, net_address: list[int], network_pubkey_bytes: list[int], next_epoch_net_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, next_epoch_p2p_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_primary_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_proof_of_possession: list[int] | None, next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, next_epoch_worker_address: list[int] | None, next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int] | None, p2p_address: list[int], primary_address: list[int], project_url: str, proof_of_possession_bytes: list[int], protocol_pubkey_bytes: list[int], sui_address: str, worker_address: list[int], worker_pubkey_bytes: list[int]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ValidatorSummary(commission_rate: str, description: str, exchange_rates_id: str, exchange_rates_size: int, gas_price: str, image_url: str, name: str, net_address: str, network_pubkey_bytes: str, next_epoch_commission_rate: str, next_epoch_gas_price: str, next_epoch_net_address: str | None, next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: str | None, next_epoch_p2p_address: str | None, next_epoch_primary_address: str | None, next_epoch_proof_of_possession: str | None, next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: str | None, next_epoch_stake: str, next_epoch_worker_address: str | None, next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: str | None, operation_cap_id: str, p2p_address: str, pending_stake: str, pending_pool_token_withdraw: str, pending_total_sui_withdraw: str, pool_token_balance: str, primary_address: str, project_url: str, proof_of_possession_bytes: str, protocol_pubkey_bytes: str, rewards_pool: str, staking_pool_activation_epoch: str | None, staking_pool_deactivation_epoch: str | None, staking_pool_id: str, staking_pool_sui_balance: str, sui_address: str, voting_power: str, worker_address: str, worker_pubkey_bytes: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getLatestSuiSystemState.

commission_rate: str
description: str
exchange_rates_id: str
exchange_rates_size: int
gas_price: str
image_url: str
name: str
net_address: str
network_pubkey_bytes: str
next_epoch_commission_rate: str
next_epoch_gas_price: str
next_epoch_net_address: str | None
next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: str | None
next_epoch_p2p_address: str | None
next_epoch_primary_address: str | None
next_epoch_proof_of_possession: str | None
next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: str | None
next_epoch_stake: str
next_epoch_worker_address: str | None
next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: str | None
operation_cap_id: str
p2p_address: str
pending_stake: str
pending_pool_token_withdraw: str
pending_total_sui_withdraw: str
pool_token_balance: str
primary_address: str
project_url: str
proof_of_possession_bytes: str
protocol_pubkey_bytes: str
rewards_pool: str
staking_pool_activation_epoch: str | None
staking_pool_deactivation_epoch: str | None
staking_pool_id: str
staking_pool_sui_balance: str
sui_address: str
voting_power: str
worker_address: str
worker_pubkey_bytes: str
__init__(commission_rate: str, description: str, exchange_rates_id: str, exchange_rates_size: int, gas_price: str, image_url: str, name: str, net_address: str, network_pubkey_bytes: str, next_epoch_commission_rate: str, next_epoch_gas_price: str, next_epoch_net_address: str | None, next_epoch_network_pubkey_bytes: str | None, next_epoch_p2p_address: str | None, next_epoch_primary_address: str | None, next_epoch_proof_of_possession: str | None, next_epoch_protocol_pubkey_bytes: str | None, next_epoch_stake: str, next_epoch_worker_address: str | None, next_epoch_worker_pubkey_bytes: str | None, operation_cap_id: str, p2p_address: str, pending_stake: str, pending_pool_token_withdraw: str, pending_total_sui_withdraw: str, pool_token_balance: str, primary_address: str, project_url: str, proof_of_possession_bytes: str, protocol_pubkey_bytes: str, rewards_pool: str, staking_pool_activation_epoch: str | None, staking_pool_deactivation_epoch: str | None, staking_pool_id: str, staking_pool_sui_balance: str, sui_address: str, voting_power: str, worker_address: str, worker_pubkey_bytes: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiLatestSystemState(active_validators: list[ValidatorSummary], at_risk_validators: list[dict], epoch: str, epoch_duration_ms: str, epoch_start_timestamp_ms: str, inactive_pools_id: str, inactive_pools_size: str, max_validator_count: str, min_validator_joining_stake: str, pending_active_validators_id: str, pending_active_validators_size: str, pending_removals: str, protocol_version: str, reference_gas_price: str, safe_mode: bool, safe_mode_computation_rewards: str, safe_mode_non_refundable_storage_fee: str, safe_mode_storage_rebates: str, safe_mode_storage_rewards: str, stake_subsidy_balance: str, stake_subsidy_current_distribution_amount: str, stake_subsidy_decrease_rate: str, stake_subsidy_distribution_counter: str, stake_subsidy_period_length: str, stake_subsidy_start_epoch: str, staking_pool_mappings_id: str, staking_pool_mappings_size: str, storage_fund_non_refundable_balance: str, storage_fund_total_object_storage_rebates: str, system_state_version: str, total_stake: str, validator_candidates_id: str, validator_candidates_size: str, validator_low_stake_threshold: str, validator_report_records: list[Any], validator_very_low_stake_threshold: str, validator_low_stake_grace_period: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin


active_validators: list[ValidatorSummary]
at_risk_validators: list[dict]
epoch: str
epoch_duration_ms: str
epoch_start_timestamp_ms: str
inactive_pools_id: str
inactive_pools_size: str
max_validator_count: str
min_validator_joining_stake: str
pending_active_validators_id: str
pending_active_validators_size: str
pending_removals: str
protocol_version: str
reference_gas_price: str
safe_mode: bool
safe_mode_computation_rewards: str
safe_mode_non_refundable_storage_fee: str
safe_mode_storage_rebates: str
safe_mode_storage_rewards: str
stake_subsidy_balance: str
stake_subsidy_current_distribution_amount: str
stake_subsidy_decrease_rate: str
stake_subsidy_distribution_counter: str
stake_subsidy_period_length: str
stake_subsidy_start_epoch: str
staking_pool_mappings_id: str
staking_pool_mappings_size: str
storage_fund_non_refundable_balance: str
storage_fund_total_object_storage_rebates: str
system_state_version: str
total_stake: str
validator_candidates_id: str
validator_candidates_size: str
validator_low_stake_threshold: str
validator_report_records: list[Any]
validator_very_low_stake_threshold: str
validator_low_stake_grace_period: str
__init__(active_validators: list[ValidatorSummary], at_risk_validators: list[dict], epoch: str, epoch_duration_ms: str, epoch_start_timestamp_ms: str, inactive_pools_id: str, inactive_pools_size: str, max_validator_count: str, min_validator_joining_stake: str, pending_active_validators_id: str, pending_active_validators_size: str, pending_removals: str, protocol_version: str, reference_gas_price: str, safe_mode: bool, safe_mode_computation_rewards: str, safe_mode_non_refundable_storage_fee: str, safe_mode_storage_rebates: str, safe_mode_storage_rewards: str, stake_subsidy_balance: str, stake_subsidy_current_distribution_amount: str, stake_subsidy_decrease_rate: str, stake_subsidy_distribution_counter: str, stake_subsidy_period_length: str, stake_subsidy_start_epoch: str, staking_pool_mappings_id: str, staking_pool_mappings_size: str, storage_fund_non_refundable_balance: str, storage_fund_total_object_storage_rebates: str, system_state_version: str, total_stake: str, validator_candidates_id: str, validator_candidates_size: str, validator_low_stake_threshold: str, validator_report_records: list[Any], validator_very_low_stake_threshold: str, validator_low_stake_grace_period: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.StakedSui(staked_sui_id: str, stake_active_epoch: str, principal: str, status: str, stage_request_epoch: str | None = <factory>, estimated_reward: str | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getDelegatedStakes.

staked_sui_id: str
stake_active_epoch: str
principal: str
status: str
stage_request_epoch: str | None
estimated_reward: str | None
__init__(staked_sui_id: str, stake_active_epoch: str, principal: str, status: str, stage_request_epoch: str | None = <factory>, estimated_reward: str | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.DelegatedStake(stakes: list[StakedSui], staking_pool: str, validator_address: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getDelegatedStakes.

stakes: list[StakedSui]
staking_pool: str
validator_address: str
__init__(stakes: list[StakedSui], staking_pool: str, validator_address: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.DelegatedStakes(delegated_stakes: list[DelegatedStake])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getDelegatedStakes.

delegated_stakes: list[DelegatedStake]
classmethod factory(in_data: list) DelegatedStakes

Handle multiple delegated stake results.

__init__(delegated_stakes: list[DelegatedStake]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinMetadata(decimals: int, name: str, symbol: str, description: str, id_: str | None, icon_url: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCoinMetaData.

decimals: int
name: str
symbol: str
description: str
id_: str | None
icon_url: str | None
__init__(decimals: int, name: str, symbol: str, description: str, id_: str | None, icon_url: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinBalance(coin_type: str, coin_object_count: int, total_balance: str, locked_balance: str = '')

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getBalance.

coin_type: str
coin_object_count: int
total_balance: str
locked_balance: str = ''
__init__(coin_type: str, coin_object_count: int, total_balance: str, locked_balance: str = '') None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.CoinBalances(items: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinBalance] = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getBalance.

items: list[SuiCoinBalance]
classmethod ingest_data(indata: list) CoinBalances

ingest_data Ingest balances.


indata (array of balances) – Result of SUI tx


Instance of CoinBalances

Return type:


__init__(items: list[~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinBalance] = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinObject(coin_type: str, coin_object_id: str, version: str, digest: str, balance: str, previous_transaction: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCoins.

Changed in version 0.20.0: Removed ‘locked_until_epoch

coin_type: str
coin_object_id: str
version: str
digest: str
balance: str
previous_transaction: str
property identifier: ObjectID

Get the identifer as ObjectID.

property object_id: str

Get as object_id.

classmethod from_read_object(inbound: ObjectRead) SuiCoinObject

Create SuiCoinObject from generic coin ObjectRead.

__init__(coin_type: str, coin_object_id: str, version: str, digest: str, balance: str, previous_transaction: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.SuiCoinObjects(data: list[SuiCoinObject], next_cursor: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getCoins.

data: list[SuiCoinObject]
next_cursor: str | None
__init__(data: list[SuiCoinObject], next_cursor: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.DynamicFieldInfo(digest: str, name: str, bcs_name: str, object_id: str, object_type: str, field_type: str, version: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getDynamicFields.

digest: str
name: str
bcs_name: str
object_id: str
object_type: str
field_type: str
version: str
__init__(digest: str, name: str, bcs_name: str, object_id: str, object_type: str, field_type: str, version: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.DynamicFields(data: list[DynamicFieldInfo], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getDynamicFields.

data: list[DynamicFieldInfo]
has_next_page: bool
next_cursor: str | None
__init__(data: list[DynamicFieldInfo], has_next_page: bool, next_cursor: str | None) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.LoadedChildObject(object_id: str, sequence_number: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getLoadedChildObjects.

object_id: str
sequence_number: str
__init__(object_id: str, sequence_number: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.LoadedChildObjectsResponse(loaded_child_objects: list[LoadedChildObject])

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getLoadedChildObjects.

loaded_child_objects: list[LoadedChildObject]
__init__(loaded_child_objects: list[LoadedChildObject]) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ValidatorApy(address: str, apy: float)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_getValidatorsApy.

address: str
apy: float
__init__(address: str, apy: float) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ValidatorApys(apys: list[ValidatorApy], epoch: str)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From suix_getValidatorsApy.

apys: list[ValidatorApy]
epoch: str
__init__(apys: list[ValidatorApy], epoch: str) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.TransactionConstraints(protocol_version: int | None = 0, max_arguments: int | None = 0, max_input_objects: int | None = 0, max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0, max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0, max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0, max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0, max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0, max_type_arguments: int | None = 0, max_tx_gas: int | None = 0, feature_dict: dict | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Subset of Protocol Constraints.

protocol_version: int | None = 0
max_arguments: int | None = 0
max_input_objects: int | None = 0
max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0
max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0
max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0
max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0
max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0
max_type_arguments: int | None = 0
max_tx_gas: int | None = 0
feature_dict: dict | None
__init__(protocol_version: int | None = 0, max_arguments: int | None = 0, max_input_objects: int | None = 0, max_num_transferred_move_object_ids: int | None = 0, max_programmable_tx_commands: int | None = 0, max_pure_argument_size: int | None = 0, max_tx_size_bytes: int | None = 0, max_type_argument_depth: int | None = 0, max_type_arguments: int | None = 0, max_tx_gas: int | None = 0, feature_dict: dict | None = <factory>) None
class pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.ProtocolConfig(max_supported_protocol_version: str, min_supported_protocol_version: str, protocol_version: str, feature_flags: dict, attributes: dict, transaction_constraints: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.TransactionConstraints | None = <factory>)

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

From sui_getProtocolConfig.

max_supported_protocol_version: str
min_supported_protocol_version: str
protocol_version: str
feature_flags: dict
attributes: dict
transaction_constraints: TransactionConstraints | None
classmethod loader(indata: dict) ProtocolConfig

Loader to resolve constraints.

__init__(max_supported_protocol_version: str, min_supported_protocol_version: str, protocol_version: str, feature_flags: dict, attributes: dict, transaction_constraints: ~pysui.sui.sui_txresults.single_tx.TransactionConstraints | None = <factory>) None

Module contents

Sui Transaction Result Types package.